Coming soon: the high-speed train line between Izmir and Ankara

Coming soon: the high-speed train line between Izmir and Ankara

Soon: Izmir-Ankara Express Train Line

Work is underway by the Turkish government on constructing the express train line, which runs between Ankara and Izmir, Turkey's third-largest city, which will shorten the distance to 3.5 hours instead of 14 hours.

The line between the two cities is 624 kilometres long and passes through Afyon, Karahisar, Usak and Manisa.

The Minister of Communications and Maritime Affairs of the Turkish Republic, Mr Ahmed Arslan, stated that the project was underway. The project will be implemented in phases, and the total value of the project is 8.340 billion Turkish liras.

On the other hand, work is underway on the express train project, which runs between Ankara and Kayseri, in north-eastern Turkey; time will be shortened to one and a half hours, while it is currently about six hours. The government connects all Turkish cities via railways, the fastest transport after air transport and environment-friendly, as they rely more heavily on electricity and reduce CO2 emissions.

Edited by Safaraq Tourism

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