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Hot Mineral Baths in Turkey Ranked First in The World

Mineral baths and hot springs in Turkey are among the most important natural resources that offer visitors a dual treatment that combines self-recreation and body treatment.


Medical Tourism and Thermal Springs in Turkey

Learn about the thermal pools in Turkey where it is located and how to go there? Read more about hot springs in Turkey on Safaraq website.


Tourism in Bolu City in Turkey

Explore thrilling information on Bolu Abant, its most prominent tourist places and activities, and many more on Safarq Tourism.


Bolu Hotels

Find out about the best hotels in the city of Polo and get the best offers and discounts offered by Safaraq company.


New Record of Tourists in Bolu and Karabuk Winter Resorts

The number of visitors to snow resorts in Bolu and Karabuk hit 325.000 during this year's season, exceeding the annual average of only 250,000.

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